So yesterday, Wednesday, was my 26th birthday. People asked me if I felt older yet. No way!
I had a great birthday. The Boss decided to wake me up extra early, like 3am early, to wish me a happy birthday and refused to go back to sleep unless I rocked and patted his back until my arm wanted to fall off. Finally around 6am he dropped off again. So I slept in to 9:10 (score!) but realized I needed to be at an appointment at 9:30 (oops). Then I proceeded to read a book at the appointment for about two hours, uninterrupted (almost).
Then my mom took The Boss and me to Noodles&Company (one of my very favorites!) where I got a free lunch for my birthday.
Notice The Boss trying to get my mom to smile for the camera... |
After lunch I hurried to play piano accompaniment for a friend who is taking voice lessons at BYU. She's got a great operatic voice and I love listening to her!
Then I taught piano lessons to a friend from my ward, who is also from Argentina.
Before dinner, I played with The Boss at the playground and then we went to the best pizza place EVER, The Slab. They make pizzas and divide them up into four portions. You can put whatever you want on a portion. My favorite is Rosemary Potato Bacon...yummy. We invited Ryan's siblings and had a little party there.
Ready to eat! | |
The Boss ate a whole slice by himself! |
The whole group (minus Jessica who left early to work on a project) |
Ryan the Lion and I rented the new X-Men to watch before we had people over for dessert. There were definitely some risque parts...bummer.
Once friends and family showed up at our apartment, we had fruit sorbets from Costco. The thing I love about these sorbets is they are in a coconut shell or a lemon peel or orange peel. This makes it SO much fun to eat.
Taylor (on the left by me) and I share a birthday! |
Relighting Taylor's candle. | | |
Ryan got me an adorable card that has five or so things that he will do for me, like massages, cleaning, etc. and then 10 little boxes that I can cross off once they are completed. He gave me the gift of himself for my birthday which means a lot to me.
I think I most enjoyed spending time with friends and family and hearing The Boss sing me "Happy Birffffday!"
Here's to another amazing year in my life!