Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bathroom Door Hostage


November 12th, I gave a music recital for my Provo students. The recital went very well and I was and am pleased with their practicing and performances.

After the last guest had left, I began to clean up. I finished vacuuming and noticed the house was suspiciously quiet. That’s when I realized that the bathroom light was on but the door was closed.

I turned the knob and one of my worst fears was confirmed: Landon had locked himself in the bathroom. The reason this has always made me nervous is that Landon can’t turn the knob to get the door open again.

I pulled the bobby pin out of my hair and tried to pick the lock to no avail. I called my mom and she suggested a crochet hook. I couldn’t get that to work either. I got down on my hands and knees to attempt to see what Landon was doing in the bathroom and hoping he wasn’t getting into the bin that held the chemicals under the sink. As soon as I looked underneath the crack of the door, I saw little chubby legs with a plunger next them. Then he proceeded to put the plunger into the toilet. I heard lots of water spilling onto the floor and then heard the sink turn on and off.

I stuck a candy bar under the door to get his attention and told him I would give it to him if he would turn the bathroom door knob. He tried but couldn’t quite turn it. So I ended up calling University Police and they sent someone from Wymount Housing out to open the door.

Ten minutes after I called, they came to open the door and Landon started crying right before the guy opened the door. When I went into the bathroom, Landon had gotten into some medicine that burns when you put it on and his lips were bright red and he stuck his tongue out a lot so I think he ate some as well.

This child has taken me on so many adventures these last 21 months that I am slightly timid about his teenage years. Thanks, Landon, for helping me to have an exciting life!

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