Sunday, June 2, 2013

Life with Landon

Warning: Landon will be in every picture I post...and rightly so! He's my favorite little person around and I'm lucky to call him my son. 

Mother's Day was a blast.
I wasn't expecting anything from Landon this year because...well... he's three. But I need to give the kid more credit. That morning, he got the vacuum out and used the attachment to clean under the couch cushions. And he did a thorough job and looked like he enjoyed every second. 

Later, he hugged me tight around the neck (to the point that I was struggling to breathe) and said, "You're the best, mommy!". I still don't know where he picked that line up, but I like it.

We had a very uplifting meeting at church where people shared gems their mothers taught them.

We had friends over afterwards for a big dinner and a beautiful strawberry cake. Yum.

One night, I was attempting to get Landon to help me clean out some empty water bottle out of the car. 

He was having trouble holding on to them so I ended up stuffing them in to his shirt, calling them muscles. He took that to a new level, shouting, "I'm the HULK" and running through the house.

And here he is, pretending to be a walrus with his gelato spoons. What an imagination!

Landon is the happiest when he is at the temple and asks to go often. I like that he can feel what an important place it is at such a young age.

If you ever want to make a child's day, take them to a splash pad. Especially when it's a hot summer day in Arizona.

I took Landon to his first Pinewood Derby and he was enthralled. We rented a car from one of the Boy Scouts (he picked) and the lights turned on. Plus it was a winner in a few heats at 190 mph!

Landon brings such joy to my life!
